About Us/Contact Information

Our VISION is to be a welcoming community sharing knowledge and expertise of the fiber arts: promoting, educating, and engaging the community with its traditions and history in a learning environment.

Do you weave, spin, knit, crochet, felt, or enjoy another fiber art? Are you interested in becoming a Three Rivers Fiber Focus member? Let us know! Contact Three Rivers Fiber Focus at PO Box 624, Ambridge, PA 15003 or at [email protected].

Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/groups/1172201859589166/.

Our meetings take place at Old Economy Village Visitors Center, in Ambridge, PA, where we also have a weaving studio, teach classes, and participate in outreach events. The “Harmonists” became nationally and internationally known for textile production. The following is a brief history of textiles produced at OEV: Old Economy Village; A Brief Textile History

Three Rivers Fiber Focus is a proud member of the MidAtlantic Fiber Association (MAFA) mafafiber.org/.

You can help to support the fibers arts community! See The Woolery icon in the footer of this page? When you use that link to shop at The Woolery, Three Rivers Fiber Focus receives 5% back from the total amount spent, excluding tax & shipping.